Hostel Interviews

France Italy Germany Spain

Katherine Ellis

  1. Current Age?

  2. Nationality

  3. Where do you live now?
    Birmingham, England

  4. Occupation
    admin work

  5. When it comes to travel accommodation (but leaving out crashing with friends, family or people you meet on the road), how often do you stay in hostels?
    pretty much all the time

  6. Where have you hosteled?
    Asia, Australia, Europe, New Zealand

  7. Would you stay in a hostel again on future trips?

  8. Why or why not?
    It's cheap and a good way to meet people.

  9. Out of all your experiences hosteling, what was your:
    • Best Moment
      Going out for dinner and drinks with dorm mates in Sorrento, Italy

    • Worst Moment
      Bathroom in a hostel in Rome - disgusting!!

    • Biggest surprise?
      Staying in the red light district in Singapore

  10. Do you ever book any of your hostel accommodation in advance?

  11. Why or why not?
    Peace of mind and making sure you get nice places.

  12. Who is the most memorable person you met in a hostel and why?
    Most memorable member of staff was Liz in YHA Noosa - really helpful with booking trips and accommodation.

  13. Why do you stay in hostels, as opposed to other types of accommodation?
    Budget, friendliness, often you just want a bed for the night so you're not too bothered about state of the place.

  14. Is there a hostel you'd recommend to other travelers? If so, what is it and where?
    Pinewood Lodge, Queenstown, New Zealand

  15. What is the biggest myth people have about hostels and hosteling?
    Huge dorms and nasty places. Some are like that but not generally true.

  16. Why do you like to travel?
    Broaden horizons, see something different, experience other cultures. It's fun!

  17. What is your advice for other travelers wanting to stay in hostels?
    Get as much advice on the way as you can. often people have been where you're going already and they give really good advice.